Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Sabine Einwiller

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren

Becker, J., Einwiller, S., & Medjedovic, J. (2014). The effect of incongruence between CEO and corporate brand personality on financial analysts’ attitudes and assessment of a company’s performance. International Journal of Strategic Communication, forthcoming.

Korn, C., & Einwiller, S. (2013). Media coverage about organisations in critical situations – Analysing the impact on employees. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 18(4), 451-468.

Einwiller, S., & Johar, G. (2013). Countering accusations with inoculation: The moderating role of consumer-company identification. Public Relations Review, 39(3), 198-206.

Einwiller, S., & Boenigk, M. (2012). Examining the link between integrated communication management and communication effectiveness in medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Marketing Communications, 18(5), 335-361.

Römmele, A., & Einwiller, S. (2012). Soziale Medien in der Bundestagswahl 2009 (Social media in the German federal election 2009). Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 43(1), 103-113.

Sommer, K., Einwiller, S., Ingenhoff, D., & Winistörfer, N. (2010). Wirtschaftsberichterstattung im Rundfunk der Schweiz. Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung zu Unterschieden zwischen den Sprachregionen (Business news coverage in Swiss broadcasting. A content analysis on the differences between language regions). Studies in Communication Sciences, 10(2), 27-50.

Einwiller, S., Carroll, C. E., & Korn, K. (2010). Under what conditions do the news media influence corporate reputation? The roles of media dependency and need for orientation. Corporate Reputation Review, 12(4), 299-315.

Einwiller, S., & Kamins, M. (2008). Rumor has it: The moderating effect of identification on rumor impact and the effectiveness of rumor refutation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(9), 2248 - 2260.

Einwiller, S., Fedorikhin, A., Johnson, A., & Kamins, M. (2006). Enough is enough! When identification no longer prevents negative corporate associations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34(2), 185-194.

Westhues, M., & Einwiller, S. (2006). Corporate foundations – Their role for corporate social responsibility. Corporate Reputation Review, 9(2), 144-153.

Einwiller, S., Herrmann, A., & Ingenhoff, D. (2005). Vertrauen durch Reputation – Grundmodell und empirische Befunde im E-Business (Trust through reputation – Basic model and empirical findings in e-business). Marketing Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis (Marketing ZFP), 1, 25-40.

Bohner, G., Einwiller, S., Erb, H.-P., & Siebler, F. (2003). When small means comfortable: Relations between product attributes in two-sided advertising. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(4), 454-463.

Einwiller, S. (2003). When reputation engenders trust: An investigation in business-to-consumer electronic commerce. Electronic Markets – The International Journal of Electronic Commerce and Business Media, 13(3), 196-209.

Einwiller, S., & Will, M. (2002). Towards an integrated approach to corporate branding - Findings from an empirical study. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 7(2), 100-109. (received the Emerald Literati Club 2003 “Highly Recommended Award”)

Erb, H.-P., Bohner, G., Rank, S., & Einwiller, S. (2002). Processing minority and majority communications: The role of conflict with prior attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(9), 1172-1182.

Geissler, U., & Einwiller, S. (2001). A typology of entrepreneurial communicators: Findings from an empirical study in e-business. The International Journal on Media Management, 3(3), 154-160.

Darke, P., Chaiken, S., Bohner, G., Einwiller, S., Erb, H.-P., & Hazlewood, D. (1998). Accuracy motivation, consensus information, and the law of large numbers: Effects on attitude judgement in the absence of argumentation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24(11), 1205-1215.

Bohner, G., Rank, S., Reinhard, M.-A., Einwiller, S., & Erb, H.-P. (1998). Motivational determinants of systematic processing: Expectancy moderates effects of desired confidence on processing effort. European Journal of Social Psychology, 28(2), 185-206.



Einwiller, S. (2003). Vertrauen durch Reputation im elektronischen Handel (Trust through reputation in electronic commerce). Wiesbaden: Gabler/Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag. ISBN 3-8244-7865-X.


Buch- und Zeitschriftenbeiträge ohne Peer-Review-Verfahren

Himmelreich, S. & Einwiller, S. (forthcoming). Wenn der „Shitstorm“ überschwappt – Eine Analyse digitaler Spillover in der deutschen Print- und Onlineberichterstattung (When the „shitstorm“ spills over – An analysis of digital spillovers in German print- and online coverage). In O. Hoffjann & T. Pleil (Eds.), Strategische Onlinekommunikation – Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Befunde. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Einwiller, S., & Ruppel, C. (2014). Corporate brand: Experimental research in corporate branding. In Melewar, T. C. & S. F. Syed Alwi (Eds.), Corporate branding: Areas, arenas and approaches. Routledge, forthcoming.

Einwiller, S. (2014). Reputation und Image: Grundlagen, Einflussmöglichkeiten, Management (Reputation and image: Principles, possibilities to influence, management). In A. Zerfaß & M. Piwinger (Eds.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, forthcoming.

Carroll, C. E., & Einwiller, S. A. (2014). Disclosure alignment and transparency signaling in CSR reports. In R. P. Hart (Ed.), Communication and language analysis in the corporate world (pp. 249-270). Hershey, PA: IGI-Global.

Einwiller, S., & Schnauber, A. (2013). Wie deutsche und US-amerikanische Großunternehmen über ihre unternehmerische Verantwortung berichten - Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede (How German and US corporations report on their corporate responsibility - similarities and differences). In D. Ingenhoff (Ed.), Internationale PR-Forschung (pp. 53-85). Konstanz: UVK.

Einwiller, S. (2013). Corporate attributes and associations. In C. E. Carroll (Ed.), Handbook of communication and corporate reputation (pp. 293-305). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Maier, M., Einwiller, S., & Theilmann, K. (2012). Interne Kommunikation aus der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Perspektive (Internal communication from the perspective of communication sciences). In M. Maier, A. Retzbach, & F. Schneider (Eds.), Psychologie der internen Organisationskommunikation (pp. 117-133). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Einwiller, S., & Landmeier, C. (2012). Interne Kommunikation: Digitale Strategien für Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte (Internal communication: Digital strategies for employees and managers). In A. Zerfaß & T. Pleil (Eds.), Handbuch Online-PR. Strategische Kommunikation im Internet und Social Web (pp. 201-216). Konstanz: UVK.

Einwiller, S., & Kuhn, M. (2011). Integrated reputation analysis at Daimler. In S. Helm, K. Liehr-Gobbers, & C. Storck (Eds.), Reputation management (pp. 189-200). Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer.

Einwiller, S., Bentele, G., & Landmeier, C. (2011). Corporate reputation and the news media in Germany. In C. Carroll (Ed.), Corporate reputation and the news media. Agenda-setting within business news coverage in developed, emerging, and frontier market (pp. 76-95). New York and London: Routledge.

Johar, G., Birk, M., & Einwiller, S. (2010). How to save your brand in the face of crisis. MIT Sloan Management Review, 51(4), 57-64.

Johar, G., Birk, M., & Einwiller, S. (2008). Brand recovery communication in the face of crisis. HERMES, Columbia Business School, Winter 2008, 16-21.

Einwiller, S., & Ingenhoff, D. (2008). Corporate branding and issues management - Integrating two concepts to enhance corporate reputation. In M. Meckel & B. Schmid (Eds.), Kommunikationsmanagement im Wandel (pp. 249-269). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Einwiller, S., Klöfer, F., & Nies, U. (2008). Mitarbeiterkommunikation (Employee communication). In M. Meckel & B. Schmid (Eds.), Unternehmenskommunikation. Kommunikationsmanagement aus Sicht der Unternehmensführung (pp. 221–260) (2nd Edn.). Wiesbaden: Gabler.

Einwiller, S. (2007). Corporate Branding. Das Management der Unternehmensmarke (Corporate branding. Management of the corporate brand). In A. Florack, M. Scarabis, & E. Primosch (Eds.), Psychologie der Markenführung (pp. 113-135). München: Vahlen.

Einwiller, S. (2003). The significance of reputation and brand in creating trust between an online vendor and its customers. In O. Petrovic, M. Fallenböck, & Ch. Kittl (Eds.), Trust in the network economy (pp. 113-127). Berlin: Springer.

Tomczak, T., Kernstock, J., Will, M., Brockdorff, B., & Einwiller, S. (2001). Corporate Branding – Die zukunftsweisende Funktion zwischen Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation und strategischem Management (Corporate branding – the pioneering function between marketing, corporate communication and strategic management). Thexis, 4, 2-4.


Konferenzbeiträge (Artikel)

Ruppel, C., & Einwiller, S. (2013). Beware of attacks on consumer-company identification. Paper presented at the 2nd International CSR Communication Conference, September 18-20, Aarhus, Denmark.

Carroll, C. E., & Einwiller, S. (2013). Disclosure alignment and transparency signaling in CSR reports. Paper presented at the 2nd International CSR Communication Conference, September 18-20, Aarhus, Denmark.

Einwiller, S., & Schnauber, A. (2013). The influence of international reporting standards on CSR reporting. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 17-21, London, Great Britain.

Schultz, C., & Einwiller, S. (2013). The role of reputation to engender support for nonprofit organizations. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 17-21, London, Great Britain.

Landmeier, C., & Einwiller, S. (2011). Media coverage about organizations in critical situations – Analyzing the impact on employees. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Crisis Communication at the Beginning of the 21st Century, October 6-8, Aarhus, Denmark.

Römmele, A., & Einwiller. S (2010). Citizen leaders and party laggards: Social media in the 2009 German Federal Election. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1-5, Washington, DC.

Einwiller, S., & Römmele, A. (2010). The role of the company leader in communicating and accepting responsibility during a crisis. Paper presented at the EUPRERA Congress 2010, September 23-24, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Einwiller, S., Liehr-Gobbers, K., Renner, M., & Wänke, M. (2008).The role of reputation to engender trust in the pharmaceutical industry. Paper presented at the 37th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), May 27-30, Brighton, Great Britain.

Einwiller, S., & Kamins, M. A. (2007). The impact of identification on the effectiveness of refutation as a counter-rumor strategy. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), May 23-26, Coral Gables, FL.

Einwiller, S., & Johar, G. (2007). Preventing damage from accusations – The case of Walmart. Paper presented at the 36th Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), May 22-25, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Westhues, M., & Einwiller, S. (2004). Corporate foundations and corporate reputation – How corporate foundations can contribute to corporate social responsibility communication. Paper presented at the 8th International Research Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, and Competitiveness, May 20-23, 2004, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Einwiller, S., Ingenhoff, D., & Schmid, B. (2003). A model of trust and reputation in electronic commerce. Paper presented at the 32nd European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC), May 20-23, Glasgow.

Prykop, C., Einwiller, S., & Ingenhoff, D. (2003). Applying issues management to meet the challenges of corporate brand management – An empirical investigation in Europe. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, May 28-31, Wyndham Washington, DC.

Einwiller, S. (2001). The significance of reputation and brand for creating trust in the different stages of a relationship between an online vendor and its customers. Paper presented at the 8th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM2001), September 16-18, Maastricht, NL.

Einwiller, S. (2001). Trust in mobile electronic commerce – Special aspects and possible actions. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Telekommunications and Information Markets (COTIM 2001), July 18-20, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Einwiller, S. & Will, M. (2001). The role of reputation to engender trust in electronic markets. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Identity, and Competitiveness, May 17-19, Paris, France.

Einwiller, S., Geissler, U., & Will, M. (2000). Engendering trust in Internet businesses using elements of corporate branding. In H. Michael Chung (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2000 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000) (pp. 733-739). August 10-13, 2000, Long Beach, CA.

Geissler, U., & Einwiller, S. (2000). Branding cyberpreneurs - Challenges for communications management in the 21st Century. In T.J. Boyle, B. Hinrichs, & K. Klenke (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th AoM / IAoM Annual Conference (pp. 39-46). Chesapeake, Virginia: Maximilian Press.

Porak, V., Geissler, U., & Einwiller, S. (2000). Corporate media - An approach for corporate community management. In H. R. Hansen, M. Bichler, H. Mahrer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS 2000) (pp. 771-778).



Einwiller, S., Lehmann, D., Winistörfer, N., Ingenhoff, D., & Sommer, K. (2008). Wirtschaftsberichterstattung in den Fernseh- und Radionachrichten – Erfüllen die Nachrichtensendungen den Service Public? (Business news coverage in TV and radio news – Do news programs fulfil the public service?). Projekt-Abschlussbericht für das Bundesamt für Kommunikation (BAKOM).

Einwiller, S., Winistörfer, N., & Boenigk, M. (2008). Modell des integrierten Kommunikationsmanagement (A model of integrated communication management). Working paper 5-2008, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz.

Ingenhoff, D., Prykop, C., & Einwiller, S. (2003). Strategisches Issues Management: Interne Kommunikation und Koordination (Strategic issues management. Internal communication and coordination). Final Research Report, Center for Corporate Communication, MCM Institute Universität St. Gallen.

Einwiller, S., & Will, M. (2001). Corporate Branding Study – Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Findings. Working Report 2001-01, Institute for Media and Communications Management, University of St. Gallen.

Einwiller, S., Wolters, A.-L., & Will, M. (2000). Investor Relations im Börseneinführungs-prozess an der New York Stock Exchange. Kommunikative Massnahmen ausländischer Emittenten in den Phasen des Listing (Investor relations during an IPO at the New York Stock Exchange). Working Report 2000-06, Institute for Media and Communications Management, University of St. Gallen.

Einwiller, S. (2000). Methoden zur Bestimmung des Markenwerts (Approaches to determine brand value). Working Paper 2000-15, Institute for Media and Communications Management, University of St. Gallen.